Click here to subscribe to my new YOUTUBE CHANNEL

I plan to share weekly videos covering a range of topics related to the journey of an artist and musician. As indicated by the title of the channel, the umbrella subjects will be Art, Life, and Music. My videos will include tutorials on perspective drawing, tips for using oil and acrylic paints, my personal experiences as an independent artist, excerpts from inspiring books and poems, occasional guitar lessons, music, and anything else I believe may capture people's interest.

If there are any subjects you'd like me to talk about please get in touch.

Thanks for reading.

Tim M. 


Dear readers, I would appreciate a small favour from you. If you could kindly subscribe to my channel, it would help me greatly. By subscribing, you are indicating to YOUTUBE that my videos are of interest to people, which will eventually improve their search engine ranking. It only takes a moment to click the link HERE and show your support. Your help is truly valued. Thank you.