The last two or three years have been a knowing slow challenge, and when I think about it with clarity and while I write this, so have the last 5, 10 , 20 and even 30 years been a little challenging too.There have been a good few sweet spots but I have to admit and don’t mind sharing that I’ve always been on a search for something unique and something satisfying whether that’s musically , artistically or in any form of life. Since putting the breaks on my career as musician I’ve been patiently experimenting with different crafts, styles and techniques in the world of a painter and where I am now is exactly where I planned to be. I am absolutely in love with painting and every inch of my body and soul tell me so often. The new work I’m showing at Saatchi Arts, The Other Art Fair from the 10th to the 13th OCT, is my absolute favourite work to date and it has taken me some months to complete this collection of portraits. I can’t wait to display them and share them with those interested and anyone that likes my taste of my art.
After the exhibition I’m slowly going back into the studio ( and a musical one) where i’ll start writing and recording three new ep’s that have plans to be released next year with a record label called CIA who are based in Houston, Texas, USA. I want the music world and painting world to run side by side but not necessarily meet. I like the idea of keeping them separate although both will love each other deeply. I’m excited as I always am when there is something new to get into.
So, if you’re in London between the 10th and 13th of October please email me for ticket info and for everything else and in between please keep your eye out on my newsletters and social bolt holds for all new that’s unfolds